Friday, March 20, 2020

...But God meant it for good

(posted to Facebook on March 12)

It's interesting to me that the whole nation is getting to experience what God did for our family a couple years ago: our entire lives came to a screeching halt as we put life and health first.
Many of you have had to do this too at different times.
As incredibly hard as it is (and as someone who prizes community and fun and activity, I know how excruciatingly hard it is), it has been GOOD. So, so good, for us. Here are just a FEW ways God blessed us thru that time...
1. All our priorities were recalibrated. Life is of utmost importance, and wellness is worth the sacrifices required to get (or keep) it.
2. Our faith was tested and our hope was re-centered on Jesus Christ, Who is our ONLY HOPE for life and eternity.
3. We grew so much closer as a family. Relationships were repaired and strengthened.
4. We grew individually, in maturity and freedom and love for Jesus.
5. We were stretched beyond our limits and found we could do way more than we thought we could, and grew in endurance.
6. We grew in thankfulness.
7. Our pleasures were actually intensified. Once we could start doing some activities again, or eating new foods, they were 10x more fun and tasty than they ever were before. Oh, the glory of simple pleasures!
8. We grew to appreciate home life and actually crave that quieter space at home (but still enjoy activity when we're out). Our identity is no longer in our calendar.
9. The kids got to learn and do more things at home than we had time for before (crafts, reading, projects, games).
10. We experienced, firsthand, God's faithfulness and goodness and mercy every single day. Truly He works all things together for GOOD to those who love Him!
11. We were slowed down enough (kicking and screaming of course) to begin to hear the Holy Spirit better, and learn to walk by the Spirit, and receive His incomparable love, joy, and peace!
12. Our grip on earth was loosened, and heaven is so much closer, for each of us. We yearn for and rejoice in anticipation of the coming again of our Savior!

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