Monday, August 19, 2013

Cora the Climber

Three bloggable memories of today:

Annelise emerged from her room time this afternoon in a big bear hug with numerous stuffed animals, and made it down the stairs with them amid my emphatic whispers (twins sleeping) of caution. "I brought down all my animals to share them with my baby sisters" she proudly announced. I was touched.

We had just come in from outside and I was getting supper ready in the kitchen. I heard little hands on the piano keys, banging away, and knew it was only the twins as Annelise was in the family room. Then the banging intensified and my mom-brain (the part that notices when things are "too quiet" or in this case, too loud) wondered how four little hands were hitting that many keys. I walked into the living room and Cora the Climber (egged on by Evelyn the Climber, of course) was on her hands and knees...up ON TOP of the keyboard! Mom instinct took over and I got her down as soon as I could, but immediately after wished I'd run for the camera first. I tucked the piano bench farther under the piano as a preventative measure, and if they figure out how to pull it out and use it as a step stool again...I'll know they're ready for lessons!

I put Annelise to bed tonight because she wanted me to and I saw the pile of dishes still to be done. After we read her Bible story about "We love because He first loved us" and her Berenstain bears story, I asked if she wanted to pray and as usual, she didn't. So I prayed and included, "Dear Lord, help Annelise to love You with all her heart." Immediately she broke in with, "I do love...God. I love You, God." Because He first loved us.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Little fingers, little mouths, big laughter

I've GOT to start writing this stuff down. I don't want to lose anything of these precious little years. I think I'll remember everything, but I've already forgotten so much. Lord, I hope You keep the heavenly camcorder rolling (with some merciful editings along the way)!

Memories from the day, as I wind down for bedtime (usually I'm winding up to get everything done, but that's another story):

The twins' little fingers picking the little basil strips off their TBM salad tonight at supper to eat the cheese.

Annelise, excited for weeks about her first dentist appointment, announcing to our friends at lunch that she was going to the dentist today, asking in the waiting room over and over again when they were going to call us back...and then clamming up in the chair and requiring coaxing and promise of treats for the dentist to slide his instruments into her mouth and get in a poke here, a brush there. Poor Dental Ben.

Laughter from the twins as I "danced" around the house with one on each hip. What a workout!