Friday, November 23, 2018

Safer in the storm

We think once the storm is past, that we can breath a sign of relief: We are safe.

But in fact, we are less safe. For it is self-sufficiency and complacency and prayerlessness that are the true danger, the real enemy, not the storm.

It's thinking we are safe and don't need God's help that puts our souls in peril.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Persevere, not interfere

I just caught myself saying in my heart, regarding God's work and promise, "It's not happening fast enough for me." And alarm bells from the Holy Spirit went off in my head: that's what Sarah was thinking when she told Abraham to get a son through Hagar.

"I know God made us a promise, Abraham, but it's not happening fast enough. It must be my fault. [As if I, a mere mortal, could thwart the plan and decree of God.] We thought He meant a son through me, but maybe He didn't. Maybe we misunderstood. [As if His Holy Spirit doesn't help us--yea, make sure--that we understand when we need to, when we really want to.] Take Hagar."

And look at the untold regional and global unrest and terror that that interference has wrought from day one up to the present headlines.

Lord, I submit to Your timing. Enable me to believe You and to persevere, not interfere.