Saturday, August 17, 2019

He can't wait to see me dance

I was worrying (again) about what I should be doing. About missing that Big Thing I'm supposed to be doing. There's so much I want to do...where do I start? Which one is the right thing for this season, and my precious little free time?

(I didn't know it was worry, mind you. But I guess that's what it's called when thoughts swirl round and round in your head, and you start to feel anxious and controlling and confused. And so alas, I must admit, I've fallen into the worry trap once again.)

Only to be rescued once again.

We were at the twins' "show" yesterday to conclude their week of gymnastics camp. (A dream come true for Cora!)

Evelyn, in her black leotard with the little skirt, started out on the balance beam, and walked across with such grace, touching toe to knee with each step ("like they told me to"). Her grace and loveliness almost took my breath away, and gave me such delight.

I can't wait to see her do more. To have the opportunity to use and develop that obvious gift.

You can bet I'm moving heaven and earth to get her the ballet lessons she's been asking for. Just for the pleasure of watching her.

And that...that is how my Father feels about me.

The Lord will fulfill His purposes for me...because He doesn't forsake the works of His Own hands. (Psalm life verse)

1 comment:

Nancy Lee said...

I love this! It's very instructional for me! And comforting! I will read it again in the morning! Lot's to think about!